Sissy 2

Sissy 2

Location: Cyprus - Age: +/- 3yrs - Breed: Cross - Gender: F


Our Extra Special girl, Sissy, is approximately two to three years old and a medium size cross breed, with a strong hound content.

Sissy has been in our Cyprus Shelter for three months, having been found abandoned on the streets.

She oozes charm, elegance and quality. Our Shelter Manager reports that Sissy is calm and gentle and should make a marvellous family pet.

She is stunningly attractive, with a lovely smile, gorgeous ears and a tri-colour coat, which includes lots of black and grey brindle.

Sissy walks nicely on her lead and seems to mix perfectly well with other dogs, cats and children.

Click here to fill out an application to adopt today!

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Elsa 3

Elsa 3

